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Call for Submissions: BIPOC Environmental Voices Newsletter Column

ReVision Energy’s “Under the Sun” is an in-house publication by our employee-owned solar company which seeks to guide its readership to a deeper understanding of solar energy technology, and the larger issues surrounding the transition to a world powered by 100% renewable energy. We recognize that voices in the BIPOC community have not had their fair share at the table in the larger environmental movement, and we’re seeking to amplify thought leaders, activists, artists, and others who are passionate about the environment, sustainability, and the convergence of anti-racism work and climate justice. This will take the form of a new column in our monthly newsletter that will continue indefinitely.

Our audience is ~45,000 readers primarily in Northern New England, but also across the United States, who have a shared passion around the environment and renewable energy. Typical subject matter includes renewable energy policy, technology advances, adjacent sustainability topics (organic agriculture, impact of climate change on fisheries), as well as youth perspectives and artistic interpretations of environmentalism.

Our editorial team will consider a wide range of pitches that touch on relevant topics, including energy sovereignty, sustainable food systems, historic injustices in the environmental/climate movement, and visions for a sustainable planet and livable communities. Pieces may take the form of original journalistic style work as well as editorial/opinion. If you are doing this work and don’t necessarily identify as a content writer, please still get in touch as we may be able to help you craft your story or shoot a video amplifying your work. We’re also interested in artistic work on these topics, inclusive of stories, poems, visual art, photographs, videos, and music. A New England connection is helpful, but not required.

We prefer first-run of any stories, but will consider re-prints. Compensation is 50c/word for editorial pieces ranging 500-1000 words. Compensation for other formats will be competitive with professional publications and negotiated directly and transparently prior to publication. Creator retains right to their piece, but our rights include feature in our email newsletter, as well as on our website/blog, and promotion on social media.

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