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Australian Mayors Commit To Sustainable COVID Economic Recovery

Sustainable COVID economic recovery

Dozens of mayors and councillors from across Australia have put their names to a joint statement committing to economic recovery solutions that not only create jobs, but also tackle climate change.

Last week we mentioned UN Secretary-General António Guterres was urging members of the Coalition of Finance Ministers for Climate Action to strive for a “green” COVID-19 recovery. In September, OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría expressed concern by the level of “non-green” stimulus spending – including fossil fuel investments – in some countries.

Here in Australia, local governments have been a driving force in uptake of renewables including solar power. Every week there’s news of councils doing great things on the solar energy scene that not only help slash emissions, but also their electricity costs.

Australian councils may also prove to be a powerful force in a green COVID economic recovery.

The joint statement signed by mayors, deputy mayors and councillors from 41 LGAs lists eight solutions that can put local governments on a practical, jobs-rich trajectory while also addressing climate change.


  1. Drive renewable energy and storage within councils and communities.
  2. Accelerate and advocate for sustainable transport.
  3. Roll out energy efficiency measures within council and the community.
  4. Increase revegetation and urban greening, along with ecosystem restoration.
  5. Integrate circular economy principles.
  6. Support local businesses in uptake of renewable energy, energy efficiency upgrades and provide waste management support.
  7. Educate communities in the importance and benefits of a sustainable and resilient economic recovery.
  8. Prioritise local businesses, skills and suppliers in existing and new projects; while ensuring sustainability is at the core of council purchasing.

“The actions we take now must improve liveability for everyone, including the most vulnerable members of society, and make communities more resilient and sustainable,” says the statement.

The statement and list of signatories can be viewed here.

Councils Taking Climate Change Seriously

While 41 signatories accompany the statement, there are 537 councils in Australia – so some may view this “minority” as nothing more than that. But many local governments are understanding the risks associated with climate change in terms of the impact it will have on their communities and the opportunities associated with addressing them.

At the time of publishing, 96 Australian local governments had made climate emergency declarations according to ICEF. These governments cover a total of more than 8.6 million Australians – so close to 35% of this country’s population. The number of councils to make a declaration has grown rapidly in the last year or so. In August 2019 we mentioned at that point 42 had made declarations, covering just under 15% of Australia’s population.

Climate emergency declarations not only recognise climate change as a clear and present danger, but also often contain commitments on action that will be taken at a local government level.

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