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GameChange Solar releasing high-albedo metal ground cover for bifacial solar tracking projects


GameChange Solar unveiled BifacialReflector, a patent-pending technology that is designed to increase power production from bifacial modules installed on the GameChange Solar Genius Tracker

A 3D rendering of a single-axis tracker using Game Change Solar’s BifacialReflector ground covering. GameChange Solar

The technology has a highly reflective (.95 albedo), permanent solid surface up to 4 m wide, which reflects light from ground level to the back of the bifacial modules. The BifacialReflector is not a ground cover that has a limited life and requires constant maintenance.

GameChange claims BifacialReflector is self-cleaning and has a 40-year life cycle. The reflectors can boost the gain by up to an estimated total of 15 to 20% when using bifacial modules.

“Solar power plant owners globally have been asking for a cost-effective, long life, maintenance-free, high reflectivity ground cover to place under trackers with bifacial modules,” said Andrew Worden, CEO of GameChange Solar. “We are excited to have been able to provide a unique and superior solution — the BifacialReflector technology.”

News item from GameChange Solar

Original Source: https://www.solarpowerworldonline.com/2021/01/gamechange-solar-releasing-high-albedo-metal-ground-cover-for-bifacial-solar-tracking-projects/