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Environmental consumer guide partners with EnergySage to educate consumers on solar energy


The Environmental Working Group (EWG) has announced a partnership with EnergySage to help Americans learn about and save with solar. EWG and EnergySage will focus on educating consumers about the health and environmental benefits of solar energy, while providing tools and resources for taking action.

“Millions of people would love to get their electricity from solar, but they aren’t sure how to begin or where to go for information. By collaborating with EnergySage, we’ll provide our supporters and the public with consumer-friendly technology and advice from the most trusted voice in the solar energy industry,” said EWG president Ken Cook.

Known for its Skin Deep database that assesses and compares the safety of personal care products, as well as the Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce, EWG understands the importance of empowering consumers to make the best choices for their families. That’s why EWG is collaborating with EnergySage to give all Americans equal access to renewable sources, like solar, that support a healthier environment.

News item from EnergySage

Original Source: https://www.solarpowerworldonline.com/2021/04/environmental-consumer-guide-partners-with-energysage-educate-consumers-solar-energy/