The Dark Side: Solar Power In Winter – SolarQuotes TV Episode 6

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This month’s SolarQuotes TV episode focuses on winter – how do solar power systems fare? Another important question is also answered – can a Tesla Powerwall cook a human? See the outcome of a battery powered sauna battle! Plus, making solar work in Tasmania, heat pumps, PV payback, panel angles and much more in SQTV Episode 6!
Is Solar Power Worth It In Winter?
0:32 – Yes, most definitely. But for many people in the colder parts of Australia, solar panels alone – even with a battery – are not enough. So, how can you get through winter using as little grid electricity as possible? First of course – fill your roof with solar panels.
“But that solar must be combined with efficiency”, says Finn.
.. and most Australian homes are horribly inefficient. There are lessons from the Europeans on this front and it’s important to get four things right – Finn explains what they are.
Man vs. Musk – Sauna Battery Battle
3:09 – Our most dangerous field test yet. We see which cooks first – the Tesla Powerwall or a brave (but very stupid) volunteer. The question being answered:
If we run a full-on Finnish sauna off nothing but a Tesla Powerwall and 6kW of solar (on a horrible day for generation), what’s going to die first – the Powerwall or the poor bloke inside the sauna?
No spoilers – you’ll need to watch.
Tiny Homes Powered By Solar Panels
8:06 – If you’re looking for a sweet off-grid winter retreat, it doesn’t get much better than this – solar powered cabins hidden away on the edge of one of South Australia’s premium wine regions that are proving to be a really popular winter getaway
Getting Solar Right In Tasmania
9:59 – If you’re talking winter in Australia, there’s really only one place that provides the ultimate test for solar – Hobart. Finn chats with Mark from 4Front Services about designing a solar power system for maximum benefit in such a location.
On a related note, if you’re thinking about going solar in Tasmania, a 6.6 kW system installation done right should pay for itself in under 5 years. Learn more about going solar in Tasmania.
Heat Pumps Are So Hot Right Now
13:08 – Heat pumps are used for either heating water or for space heating. For heating water, they’ve had a bad reputation with plumbers in Australia – but this is mainly because there have been a lot of really crappy heat pumps installed. Finn mentions some good brands well worth the investment.
Finn also touches on new energy efficiency labels for air-conditioners that SQ’s Ronald has provided more detail on here.
Ned’s Reviews – A “Rubbish Installation”
15:53 – Ned was horrified by this review of a (non-SQ approved) installer. Smashed tiles, rubbish left behind – they even damaged the customer’s outdoor stairs. It’s horrific what can happen if you choose bad installer.
Before signing on the dotted line for a solar installation, do your due diligence and check out installer reviews. Or let us put installers through the wringer so you don’t have to by using SQ’s solar quote service.
Winter And Solar Panel Tilt
17:04 – David wants to get better system performance in winter and asks Finn whether he should increase the tilt of his solar panels.
Calculating PV Payback
17:54 – Michael ask how much solar would he need to install in order to get payback in 5 years, based on his electricity consumption.
Handy tool – the SolarQuotes solar calculator can provide this information – and much more!
Optimum Panel Angles References
19:03 – Johnny wants to know how Finn sources all his information on solar panel angles. While on this topic, you can learn more about angles here.
Winter Solar Power System Performance In Australia
19:37 – Ronald and Finn chat about the misconception that solar doesn’t work in winter. Ronald shows a bunch of graphs indicating it does – and mostly, very well. Ronald also recently published an article on solar power in winter in Australia.
Adelaide’s NABERS 10-Star Home
25:05 – Earlier this year, a NABERS 10-star home in the Adelaide Hills region was opened up for inspection – this home requires zero artificial heating and cooling. Finn chats about its features and the costs involved with building super energy-efficient houses.
Download Energy Efficient Home Designs
26:22 – The Australian Federal Government has come up with a really good initiative. Design For Place offers architect-designed sustainable 2-, 3- and 4-bedroom home designs for anyone to use – free.
For a bunch more videos on everything solar and previous SQTV episodes, check out and subscribe to the SolarQuotes Youtube channel!
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