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SEIA outlines infrastructure policy priorities in letter to House Committee on Ways and Means


GameChange Solar

This week, SEIA sent a letter to Chairman Richard Neal of the House Committee on Ways and Means outlining the solar industry’s priorities in the infrastructure package.

SEIA outlined six key priorities for solar growth in the letter.

  1. Lengthen and strengthen the Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC) to fill as much of the 10-year budget window as possible and increase the credit back to at least 30%.
  2. Institute 100% direct pay to ensure ongoing financing, keep the industry growing and deploy solar rapidly.
  3. Add standalone energy storage to the ITC.
  4. Provide significant support to help grow American solar manufacturing.
  5. Address grid resilience and necessary upgrades to accommodate all the new renewable energy coming online, including transmission and interconnection.
  6. Support equitable workforce policies that meet the needs of the growing renewable industry.

Read the full letter below.

Original Source: https://www.solarpowerworldonline.com/2021/07/seia-outlines-infrastructure-policy-priorities-house-ways-and-means-committee/