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Wraps Off The REC N-Peak 2 Solar Panel Range

REC N-Peak 2 solar panelss

REC N-Peak 2 solar panelss

REC Group has announced the launch of the REC N-Peak 2 solar panel range, which should be available in Australia in just a few months.

Originally released in 2018, the REC N-Peak combines n-type mono half-cut cells with a twin-panel design. The new REC N-Peak 2 features 120 half-cut solar cells to deliver up to 375 Wp of power.

“Building on the success of its predecessor, the REC N-Peak 2 steps up the already excellent power density and energy yield per m2, giving consumers higher savings on electricity bills and carbon emissions,” states the company.

REC N-Peak 2 Specifications

The following are some selected specs for the N-Peak 2 standard  version – there’s also a “full black” version available with a black backsheet.

  • Wattages: 360W, 365W, 370W, 375W
  • Panel efficiency: 19.7%, 20.0%, 20.3%, 20.5%
  • Temperature coefficient of PMAX: -0.34 %/°C
  • Temperature coefficient of VOC: -0.26 %/°C
  • Dimensions: 1755 x 1040 x 30 mm
  • Weight: 20kg
  • 20 year product warranty (not including labour), 25 years (including labour) if installed by an REC Certified Solar Professional installer.
  • 0.25% warranted annual degradation, at least 92% of its nameplate power in the 25th year.
  • To be manufactured in Singapore

Comparing this panel to the original N-Peak using SolarQuotes’ trusty solar panel comparison table, the former was only available in wattages up to 330W. Temperature coefficient and panel efficiencies for the new panels are better as is to be expected, as is larger dimensions and heavier (+2kg). The warranted annual degradation is much better than its predecessor.

The full specifications sheet for the standard version can be viewed here and the full black version here.

REC says production of N-Peak 2 solar panels is set to kick off next month, with shipments worldwide commencing in October. There’s no indication as yet on pricing; but generally considered as “premium” panels, REC products tend to be at the more expensive end of the spectrum.

The N-Peak 2 product launch is the third for the company in the last few months. In May, it unveiled the REC TwinPeak 4 and Alpha Pure Black solar panels, the latter available in wattages up to 405W.

REC solar panels have been available on the Australian market since 2010. The company is currently listed on SQ’s recommended solar panel brands chart and achieved joint second in the “premium” panel category of SolarQuotes’ Installers Choice Awards for 2021.

Just as an aside, something that was really nice to see was a panel manufacturer announcing a new product and making all the specifications and other information immediately available – instead of just focusing on spin in a press release. Other manufacturers, take note!

You can learn more about the REC N-Peak 2 here.

Original Source: https://www.solarquotes.com.au/blog/rec-n-peak-2-mb2083/