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Dynamic Energy building high-coverage solar project on New Jersey plant


Folding cartons production company Rondo-Pak has contracted Dynamic Energy to install a solar project that will account for 60% of the power needed at the manufacturer’s New Jersey operations.

Credit: Dynamic Energy

The rooftop solar array and carports will cover the entire facility and over 90% of the parking lots. Dynamic Energy is providing engineering, procurement and construction services for the project.

“This solar energy project is exciting for Rondo-Pak as it represents a major milestone in our continuous pursuit to reduce our carbon footprint and make positive contributions to the environment,” said Tim Moreton, CEO of Rondo-Pak. “Working hand-in-hand with Dynamic Energy, we expect to maximize our electricity savings. Our driving force in this initiative is to do our part in creating a more sustainable future for our community.”

In 2015, the company purchased its current Camden facility and completed a major renovation which was designed following the New Jersey Green Building Standards and ASHRAE requirements. All recent equipment investments are made with sustainability being a primary factor in the equipment selection. Additionally, Rondo-Pak is an-FSC Certified Supplier, uses vegetable-based inks and has aggressive recycling and water usage reduction programs in place.

“Dynamic Energy is grateful to partner with Rondo-Pak to reduce its carbon footprint and cut its operating expense with solar,” said Tim Carr, senior VP of business development at Dynamic Energy. “Rondo-Pak’s efforts to transition its energy resources to renewables shows true dedication towards its goal of environmentally-conscious business operations in New Jersey.”

News item from Dynamic Energy Solutions

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