ReVision Energy Receives Business Friend of Education Award
ReVision Energy Receives Maine School Management Association’s 2021 Business Friend of Education Award

ReVision co-founder Phil Coupe was grateful for the opportunity to accept the 2021 Business Friend of Education Award on behalf the wonderful Maine co-owners who helped us earn this nice recognition. Behind Phil is the medicine wheel garden planted by at our South Portland shop to help feed indigenous Mainers who are experiencing hunger.
ReVision Energy is the honored recipient of the 2021 Business Friend of Education Award from the Maine School Management Association. The award is presented to companies who have made significant contributions to public education in Maine. ReVision Energy has partnered with numerous schools and districts throughout the state on renewable energy projects. Since 2003, ReVision Energy has delivered classroom presentations on clean energy to more than 75 Maine public schools as part of our mission to educate the future generations about solutions to climate damage.
“In addition to providing education in schools, we also have been grateful for the opportunity to install solar energy systems at zero up front cost to schools like Bangor High School, Mt. Ararat High, Yarmouth Middle School, Goodwill Hinckley School and Lincoln Middle School, to name just a few,” said Phil Coupe, co-founder of ReVision Energy. “Focusing on long-term sustainability and demonstrating to students a commitment to their future is a foundational piece of education. We’re excited to continue working with Maine schools and are grateful for this award from Maine School Management Association.”
In Fall 2020, ReVision Energy completed at project at Mt. Ararat High School where a 632kW rooftop solar array with 1,687 REC panels will offset over 714,000 lbs of carbon annually. That’s the equivalent of removing 111 passenger cars from the road every year or planting 8,300 trees. The solar will be incorporated into classroom activities, and there will be interpretive and educational signage in the school, as well as an online Energy Dashboard showing students the solar’s production in real-time.
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