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Origami Solar’s steel solar module frame advances to semifinal round of DOE competition


Origami Solar announced it has advanced to the semifinal round of the U.S. DOE’s American-Made Solar Prize competition for its innovative steel solar module frame design. The company won a $50,000 prize and will next compete for a prize of $100,000.

Origami Solar’s winning innovation is the Origami Folded Frame, a roll-formed steel frame that is lower in material cost and significantly reduces greenhouse gas (GHG) impacts from production (compared to traditional aluminum frames); requires less time to make and can be sourced through U.S.-based and other local or regional supply chains; and improves domestic energy supply and security. The new frame is readily manufacturable and will meet all IEC and UL standards.

Contrary to the name, the panel does not fold. It is a normal solar panel frame, except made from steel.

“It is exciting to see Origami Solar recognized by the DOE because steel frames have the potential to improve the mechanical durability of solar panels, especially large-format designs,” commented Jenya Meydbray, CEO of PV Evolution Labs (PVEL), the leading performance and reliability test lab for the downstream solar market. “The reductions in cost and GHG impact from switching to steel are also great news for the industry and the planet. We look forward to testing these frames at PVEL early next year.”

In addition to lower costs, shifting to steel delivers other significant benefits, including:

  • Over 85% reduction in carbon emissions versus aluminum from production.
  • Ability to produce steel domestically to accelerate job creation.
  • Reduced shipping costs and lower GHG production from transport.
  • Local production in all global markets for enhanced supply chain security.
  • Enables new module frame-integrated features for greater value.

“We’re extremely pleased that the reviewers at DOE’s Solar Energy Technologies Office determined that our Folded Frame design was worthy of this award,” said Eric Hafter, CEO and Co-founder of Origami Solar. “They concur with our belief that switching from aluminum to steel module frames, which we’ve proven can be done, will transform the solar panel manufacturing industry and provide multiple benefits in lower cost, reduced emissions, secure supply chains, domestic job creation and added features. This is an entirely attainable opportunity to further drive solar power growth and accelerate the global clean energy transition.”

News item from Origami Solar

Original Source: https://www.solarpowerworldonline.com/2021/12/origami-solars-steel-solar-module-frame-advances-to-semifinal-round-of-doe-competition/