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Appalachian Power seeking up to 150 MW of West Virginia solar


Appalachian Power issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for up to 150 MW of solar energy resources with the option to include a battery-energy storage system. The company seeks to acquire the solar facilities through one or more purchase and sale agreements from developers who meet certain economic and operational criteria.

Project bids must be at least 50 MW in size, located in West Virginia, and interconnected to PJM, the independent regional transmission organization that manages the electric grid in 13 states, including West Virginia. Projects must be operational by no later than December 15, 2025, and qualify for the Federal Investment Tax Credit.

Appalachian Power issued the RFP as part of the provisions of West Virginia Senate Bill 583, passed in 2020 to further the development of renewable energy resources and renewable energy facilities for solar energy. Preference will be given to submissions located on eligible sites as defined by the legislation. These sites include property previously used in electric generation, industrial, manufacturing or mining operations to include brownfields, closed landfills, hazardous waste sites, and former industrial or mining sites.

“The RFP issued today is our company’s second request for bids following the West Virginia legislation,” said Chris Beam, Appalachian Power president and chief operating officer. “Our first request resulted in a signed contract for a 50 MW solar project in Berkeley County, and we are ready and eager to build on that success.”

Businesses seeking to submit a proposal can access criteria, required forms, and other specifics online at www.appalachianpower.com/rfp. Proposals must be submitted by March 31, 2022. Any solar project selected by Appalachian Power through the RFP process is conditional upon and subject to approval by the required regulatory authorities.

News item from Appalachian Power

Original Source: https://www.solarpowerworldonline.com/2022/02/appalachian-power-seeking-up-to-150-mw-of-west-virginia-solar/