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FIMER, POMcube inverters now compatible with APsystems rapid shutdown device


APsmart has announced that new FIMER and POMcube inverters are now listed under its Photovoltaic Rapid Shutdown Systems (PVRSS) Solution SunSpec standard compliance. The newly added inverters include the FIMER UNO-DM-TL-PLUS-US series and POMCube hybrid residential iCAN NetZero Plus series, ranging from 3 kW to 12.5 kW.

Available throughout APsmart U.S. distribution partner networks, the APsmart RSD has met the UL 1741 standard for electrical safety and is fully compliant with the National Electric Code (NEC) 2014, 2017 and 2020 690.12 Rapid Shutdown requirements.

In order to obtain the PVRSS certification, each inverter must be independently tested with APsmart’s rapid shutdown devices (RSD-S and RSD-D) to ensure compatibility and proper functioning as a rapid shutdown system.

APsmart Rapid Shutdown solutions are now compatible with more than 150 inverter models from 14 unique brands, including CHINT, CSI, Delta, FIMER, Fronius, Goodwe, Growatt, LG, POMcube, Q CELLS, SMA, SolaX, Solis and Solectria.

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