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Financing Solar for Nonprofits

This 5 MW array, which went online in March, is the first to provide the majority of its clean energy to public schools in the state. Mt. Blue Regional School District (RSU9), Spruce Mountain School District (RSU73), Camden Rockport School District (MSAD28), Camden Hills Regional High School, and Hope Elementary School have all taken steps to reducing their carbon footprint at no upfront cost by participating in the PPA. This project is also using Maine’s Net Energy Billing credits program, by providing energy offsite that is then allocated to each school’s utility account. Ninety-six percent of the clean energy produced by the array will go to towards offsetting the schools’ energy needs, with the remaining four percent going to Farmington Water District.

“We could not be more excited or proud to be participating in this cutting-edge solution to preserving farmland, reducing greenhouse gases, and saving money for our local taxpayers. It is so important for our students to learn in a place that demonstrates collaboration, sustainability leadership, and sound financial decision-making. Our participation in this clean energy project reflects the very values we are trying to impart. It is one of many things our district has done to move toward a reduced carbon footprint.”— Maria Libby, Superintendent of the Five Town CSD and MSAD 28 school districts.

The landowners, Evelyn Norton and Priscilla Swartzlander, were born in the farmhouse that still stands on the property. Their father Harold Souther, 98, was also born in the family’s generational home and still lives there. Souther ran the dairy and poultry farm for years, taking over operations from his father. The land is now leased to a neighbor and a cousin for pastureland, raising livestock, and hay production. In the fall pumpkins, squash, and cornstalk are sold. Her father wanted to ensure the farm will stay in the family once he is gone and saw the solar farm as a way to ensure this. The money from the leased land will allow his family to keep the property.

“So many school districts are going to benefit from this, and that’s huge to us.” —Evelyn Norton, landowner

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