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Gundary Solar Farm Battle Heats Up

Lightsource bp’s proposed huge Gundary Solar Farm near Goulburn in New South Wales is reportedly attracting some high-profile opposition.

The Gundary Solar Farm project consists of a 400MWdc solar farm and battery energy storage system (BESS) of unspecified capacity. Expected to generate 800,000 MWh of clean electricity a year – equivalent to the electricity consumption of 133,000 households – the clean power station will avoid around 640,000 tonnes of carbon emissions annually.

The site is approximately 13 kilometres south of Goulburn and currently utilised for grazing. Lightsource bp is aiming to have sheep continuing to graze the land once the $540 million project is operational.

All going well, construction would kick off in mid-to late 2024 and is expected to take between 18 to 24 months. The project will create approximately 400 full time equivalent (FTE) jobs during construction and 2 to 4 ongoing FTE jobs during the solar farm’s operations; which would initially be for 35 years.  Lightsource bp is also looking into options for a Community Benefit Fund to distribute contributions to the area.

Back in April we reported that even before consultation kicked off, there were some mutterings of opposition – which are to be expected for any project of this nature. Those rumblings seem to have grown since, but so too has support.

There are three main groups on the for and against sides:

Protest Signs Up – And Removed

As part of Stop Gundary Solar Farm’s protest actions, signs were placed on fencing associated with the proposed site. Some of these have been removed and the finger pointed at TGG members. The Goulburn Post reports a claim of CCTV camera footage of a TGG member removing a sign last Monday.

TGG’s Vice-President wasn’t previously aware of the allegation, but said it was an action not organised or condoned by TGG.

Angus Taylor Accused Of Backing Opposition

Australia’s previous Minister for Industry, Energy and Emissions Reduction, current Member for Hume and Shadow Treasurer Angus Taylor has a property not far from the proposed site. TGG alleges Mr Taylor and current Member for Goulburn Wendy Tuckerman are backing the opposition campaign.

“It is staggering that Angus Taylor and Wendy Tuckerman are backing the campaign by a small number of landholders against a project that has the potential not only to provide a boost to the local economy but to open up much larger opportunities for renewable energy developments in our region,” said TGG vice-president Mike Steketee.

Commenting on Mr. Taylor specifically, Mr. Steketee said:

… as our elected member of parliament, not to mention as former Minister for Emissions Reduction, he has a wider responsibility to his community and to the planet.”

It seems Lightsource bp has added more information to the project web page since April, and that could have been handy from the get-go in perhaps helping to address concerns of some parties. But for others, they simply don’t want the solar farm there.

The battle for Gundary Solar Farm is only just getting started – watch this space.

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