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Biden Widely Expands Level of Tariff-Free Imported Solar Cells

President Joe Biden has issued a proclamation that raises the Section 201 tariff rate quota (TRQ) for imported crystalline silicon photovoltaic cells from 5 GW annually to 12.5 GW, retroactive for cells imported on or after August 1.

The Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) notes that this measure is a “decisive action to support American solar module manufacturers.”

“This move provides an important bridge for module producers to access the supply they need while the United States continues to progress on solar cell manufacturing,” says Abigail Ross Hopper, SEIA’s president and CEO.

“This decision will help create a strong, stable module manufacturing sector that can sustain robust cell production in the long run.”

The expanded TRQ will allow greater volumes of much-needed solar cells to enter the U.S. market without facing the current 14.5% tariff. In turn, the nascent but growing U.S. solar module manufacturing sector can expect a more robust supply of PV cells at predictable costs while they ramp up production.

“Federal clean energy policies are fueling a surge in domestic manufacturing investments across the country, which are helping us secure our supply chain,” Ross Hopper adds.

“The president’s recent actions are critical for maximizing the impact of these policies and ensuring the long-term success of American solar manufacturing.”

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