It’s Not Weak To Speak

Vale Trevor Day, 1984 – 2024.
Last month the electrical industry lost a much loved son. I’d like to celebrate a life cut short and underline the importance of mental health.
Recently I saw a wave of posts through my social feed, remarkable both in number and source but universal in sadness. Pages devoted to automotive work lamented the loss of a “roof possum” while solar specialists similarly shared thoughts about a bloke whose talents were spread pretty wide.
Like many, I never knew “Tradie Trev” personally, but I knew about his outsized personality and willingness to share wisdom and help people out.
I’ve included links to his YouTube channel in my articles; because he made switchboard overhauls interesting and accessible for the average punter while simultaneously offering great advice to those doing the same work every day.
Punching Darts and Breaking Hearts
When the news broke on the page Trev helped create, there were a few expressions of disbelief naturally. Everyone wonders what happened, of course, and knowing about the dangers of smoking, I wondered about the chances of a sudden heart attack perhaps.
The words “passed away suddenly” are shorthand, though. The words “accidentally” or “tragically”, as much as those terms could apply, were not used.

On a page known for remorseless sh!t stirring and levity, there were 4000 responses, all deeply respectful
Making Good From A Rubbish Situation
Despite the forthright nature of building industry banter, it’s been refreshing to see how these blokey blokes are reaching out to each other.
Men are known to internalise trauma and present a stiff upper lip to get through challenging situations. Sadly this results in men ending their own lives at a rate of 3:1 compared to far better socially conditioned and connected women.
This is the ethic that brought about TradeMutt clothing, loud shirts designed to be conversation starters, and a fundraiser for trade-focused mental health.

The GoFundMe response to Trev’s passing has been great considering the size of the community.
Marvel Pliers Prove Marvelous
Trev was known for advocating Marvel pliers, which shear copper and offer a clean cut rather than the rubbish that cleaves through like a bolt cutter.
Of course, you need something different for cutting steel, but that’s not what we’re here for.
What Is This Obsession With Pliers?
It’s a little like football teams but possibly a more deeply held core belief.
Jokes go that an apprentice should only operate a broom in their first year. Graduating to the “cutting copper” stage means you need a tool for the job; so choosing pliers to cut and twist your terminations is seen as a rite of passage.
It didn’t take much encouragement for the poeple who sell these superior tools to realise they too were indebted, so they’ve made good with a donation to Lifeline for every pair sold until xmess.
Kaiju are already sold out and have agreed to honour the donation pledge on stock delivered next year.
There will be a funeral service for Trev on the 13th of December.
Be Kind To Your Fellow Humans
To be honest I use Cresent Pliers with shear cutting edges but better grips, however my spares are Marvels.
Seriously though, I’ve recently been dealing with a solar customer who’s convinced her system doesn’t work properly, and she won’t be placated.
She can’t even decide what a good outcome looks like from her perspective, but that doesn’t stop the pithy emails and text messages.
The ludicrous part is that her system is brilliant. It performs above the yield promised when she signed the quote.
The inverter maker has reviewed it; I’ve reviewed it, and the installer has been over it with a fine tooth comb.
Repeated visits, and hours on a case study to show the effect of tree shade from the road have been fruitless.
It’s reached the point where, despite holding the customer’s best interest at heart, the installer is going to block her number. Trying to get a good review is not worth the cost to his mental health.
As an independent party, I can see with some clarity what’s going on, and it’s simply unnecessary angst.
Please Look Out For Each Other
I’m not a psychologist so I can only offer my meandering experience. The thing I’ve learnt is to keep an eye out for your mates. It might not be intuitive but the gregarious ones may need more help than most.
And be especially observant for those who are looking up after a tough time in the depths of depression. It’s not unusual for someone’s mood to improve once they’ve decided on a plan of action.
One of my acquaintances had decided the world was better off without him. In retrospect, we realised he had been in a better mood because with a decision made, he was going around making peace with his nearest and dearest; before he took the steps to ending his own life.
Sadly his granddaughter never got to know him.
Being A Little Gentler Costs Nothing
The modern world is a stressful place, and it’s not helped by an economic, political and social media environment that actively promotes narcissists and psychos. Not many realise 1 in 100 people are psychopaths, yet 4 in 100 CEOs are.
So it’s worth remembering the maxim we use at SolarQuotes.
“Would you be happy with that for your Grandmother?”
If you need help then reach out 24/7 to lifeline on 13 11 14
Ring up Beyond Blue on 1300 22 4636
or Chat online to a counsellor
Or you can ring or text message TIACS, a free counselling service offering mental health support to Australia’s blue collar community.
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