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LONGi Energizes Its First Solar PV Installation Using New Module Family

A 2.2 MW photovoltaic power plant at Longfei Wood Products Factory in Yichun, Heilongjiang Province of China, was recently connected to the grid, marking the completion of the first distributed PV power plant using LONGi’s “HPBC 2.0” technology.

The Longfei PV plant uses LONGi’s HPBC 2.0 dual-glass PV modules with a module power of 630 W. The plant generates an annual output of 3.2 million kWh, providing electricity for the factory while also yielding annual electricity sales revenue of 1.2 million RMB.

LONGi says its HPBC 2.0 modules deliver superior power generation performance compared to a TOPCon PV power plant of the same capacity. With the same surface area, LONGi’s HPBC 2.0 dual-glass modules increase installed capacity by 5% compared to TOPCon modules, achieving an 8.56% power generation gain, the company says.

To maximize installed capacity and power generation, the project adopted ground-mounted installation at the optimal tilt angle. This method ensures maximum absorption of solar radiation, significantly improving efficiency. Compared to a flat rooftop installation, the ground-mounted approach delivers 25% more power generation while offering easier maintenance and lower operational costs.

Original Source: https://solarindustrymag.com/longi-energizes-its-first-solar-pv-installation-using-new-module-family