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Transect software now features site selection tool for solar project development


Transect’s Site Selection feature.

With developers looking for an efficient way to tackle their siting process, Transect introduces a new feature to its on-demand environmental due diligence platform that offers a systematic approach to finding the best land for project development.

Transect’s Site Selection feature enables renewable developers to dynamically refine a large area of land and filter down to all the ideal available parcels that meet their defined specifics.

Traditionally, renewable developers have found the siting process tedious and frustrating as they spent hundreds of hours trying to narrow down a list of viable sites for their next project. With different approaches and methodologies to the siting process, most development teams have inconsistent results that leave them wondering if they found the best possible sites for development or not.

Transect’s new Site Selection feature provides a technology-driven alternative that is faster than the traditional siting process, saving a significant amount of time and energy. Developers can responsively filter a list of ideal sites within their defined search area based on selected parameters and criteria like median slope, proximity to transmission lines, canopy cover, proximity to substations, sites with floodplains, sites with wetlands, streams or rivers and protected lands and more.

“After hearing from many of our origination clients about the issues they have finding development sites, we realized that our customers could benefit significantly from a feature like Site Selection in our Vision tool,” Transect co-founder and CEO Robin Laine said. “As a former environmental consultant who worked every day to solve environmental problems for my developer clients, my goal is for Transect to be a comprehensive solution that revolutionizes the project development process from origination to construction. Site Selection is another one of our features that contributes to this goal while helping developers recognize that what’s good for the environment is also good for business.”

News item from Transect

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