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New Mexico solar trade group becomes SEIA affiliate


The Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) announced that the Renewable Energy Industries Association of New Mexico (REIA-NM) is now an official state affiliate. REIA-NM becomes the 21st state affiliate of the national solar and storage industries trade association, expanding a network of organizations and resources dedicated to advancing the solar sector nationwide.

“With rapidly growing opportunities in solar, the Southwest is primed to thrive throughout the clean energy transformation,” said Abigail Ross Hopper, president and CEO of SEIA. “This new partnership between SEIA and the Renewable Energy Industries Association of New Mexico will help New Mexico expand its solar industry and compete with other states in the region by providing an influx of resources and increasing the force behind solar policy campaigns.”

New Mexico is the 13th fastest-growing solar market in the country, with 2.6 GW projected to be installed over the next five years. Around 6.14% of the state’s electricity comes from solar — more than double the national average — but New Mexico is lagging behind some of its sunny neighbors like Nevada and Arizona.

REIA-NM is the third SEIA state affiliate in the Southwest. Established in 2004, REIA-NM represents 48 renewable energy businesses in the state and advocates for the technology, finance, public interest, and environmental policies that support the industry’s continued growth.

“New Mexico has the second-best solar access in the U.S. and is well positioned to be a major producer of solar energy,” said REIA-NM executive director Jim DesJardins. “The Renewable Energy Industries Association of New Mexico is excited to become a SEIA affiliate and we look forward to working with SEIA to advance policies for a clean energy economy.”

SEIA’s state affiliate program establishes formal partnerships between the solar industry’s national trade association and solar advocates around the country. By coordinating efforts, these partnerships help the industry’s leading advocates to successfully advance the policies and programs necessary to accelerate solar deployment and meet clean energy goals.

News item from SEIA

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