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Origis Energy, TVA Expand Mississippi Renewable Energy Portfolio

Origis Energy and the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) have announced a PPA to expand their solar and storage portfolio in Mississippi. 

Origis would develop, construct and operate Hope Solar + Storage, a 200 MW solar and 200 MW storage facility, in Clay County, and sell the power to TVA. The project is slated for commercial operation in 2028.

“This partnership connects us to those we serve and is good news for multiple stakeholders,” says Johan Vanhee, chief commercial and procurement officer for Origis Energy. 

“Industrial customers benefit by meeting their decarbonization goals. Residential customers benefit from clean energy that contributes to reliable, affordable, predictable rates. Communities near these projects benefit through the economic activity of construction and job growth from industries these projects attract.”

Prior to this announcement, Origis’ and TVA’s Mississippi renewable energy portfolio included three projects: Golden Triangle II, a 150 MW solar project with 50 MW battery storage in Lowndes County, reached commercial operation earlier this year. Under construction are Golden Triangle I, in Lowndes County, a 200 MW project with 50 MW of battery storage, with commercial operation date expected next year and Optimist in Clay County, a 200 MW project with 50 MW of battery storage, with commercial operation date expected in 2026.

Origis Energy is responsible for development, construction and operation of the projects for TVA. Each site will deliver clean energy at competitive rates under PPAs executed between TVA and Origis.

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