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2020 National Solar Tour goes all-virtual


Due to COVID-19, the American Solar Energy Society (ASES) and Solar United Neighbors (SUN) have converted the 2020 edition of the National Solar Tour to be fully virtual. This largest annual grassroots solar event will take place virtually on from September 28 – October 4, 2020. National Solar Tour week will showcase live programming focusing on electric vehicles, schools, homes, businesses and community building through solar along with virtual tours of solar and sustainable homes, businesses, schools, religious institutions and more. These events and tours will empower people to learn about solar technology and the process of going solar from their neighbors and people nationwide, all from the safety of their home. RSVP to get access to the online National Solar Tour at

Solar advocates are encouraged to organize Local Solar Tours in their neighborhoods, cities or with clients! Open Houses can feature solar, other renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies. SUN is looking for solar homeowners in Alaska, Delaware, Hawaii, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah or Wyoming to include all 50 states in this year’s tour. Local organizers and solar enthusiasts interested in hosting a Local Solar Tour or Open House can sign up to participate by September 15 at

News item from the American Solar Energy Society

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