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SEIA prepares solar policy priorities for Democratic trifecta


SEIA released its solar policy goals for the first 100 days of the new Biden administration in November 2020 under the assumption the Senate would remain controlled by Republicans. After Democrats secured two more Senate seats in Georgia’s Jan. 5 runoff election, the solar industry could have a much better chance of passing solar legislation through Congress rather than having to rely mostly on Biden’s executive powers.

Still, SEIA said the group is not assuming success is a given and will keep working hard to accomplish its industry goals like establishing energy storage incentives and expanding solar access to underserved communities.

Erin Duncan, VP of Congressional affairs at SEIA, issued the following statement:

“We congratulate Senators-elect Warnock and Ossoff and we look forward to working with them, President-elect Biden, and all the new and returning members of the 117th Congress to advance bold clean energy policy. Solar has strong bipartisan support on the Hill and Americans are increasingly demanding action on climate change. Solar offers jobs and economic growth, both sorely needed as our economy recovers. We hope to make meaningful progress on many of the priorities in our 100-day agenda, but our success isn’t a given and our work is just beginning. We will continue to advocate for policies that enhance market competition and that establish tax and trade provisions that enable the solar industry to play a leading role in America’s economic recovery.”

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