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Massachusetts solar installer Invaleon now accepts bitcoin as payment


Invaleon, a Massachusetts-based solar installer, announced that the company will now accept bitcoin as a form of payment.

“We are ready to begin accepting bitcoin. Invaleon is adapting to industry trends by making sure our customers have access to a variety of payment methods. Accepting cryptocurrency just makes ‘cents’ and being an early adopter of this is exciting,” says Tom Wu, Invaleon’s founder and CEO.

This news comes after Tesla’s announcement that, after buying $1.5 billion in bitcoin, the company is planning on accepting the cryptocurrency as payment.

Bitcoin is one of the most accessible and versatile forms of virtual currency. It is controlled by a decentralized network of users. Although there are hundreds of cryptocurrencies in active use today, Bitcoin is the most popular and widely used and the closest cryptocurrency equivalent to traditional, state-minted currencies.

Bitcoin can be used to purchase goods from a growing number of merchants (including companies like Expedia and It can be exchanged with other private users as consideration for services performed or to settle outstanding debts. It can be swapped for other currencies, both traditional and virtual, on electronic exchanges that function similar to forex exchanges. Transaction fees are also lower for cryptocurrency over traditional forms of payment, such as credit cards. And now, it can be used to purchase solar.

For more information on how to use bitcoin to buy solar from Invaleon, call (857) 360-4906 or email

News item from Invaleon

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