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Boost Your Tesla Powerwall Capacity with This Genius Upgrade


Tesla Powerwall owners, you’ve seen your 13.5 kWh battery hit full charge by the early arvo, right? Then, watched your excess solar slipping away into the grid, earning peanuts. It feels like you’re chucking money into the air.

Before, you might’ve thought the only fix was to fork out over 12 grand to Elon for another Powerwall. But hang on, because a smart group of Aussie engineers and crypto buffs reckon they’ve cracked it. They’ve devised a way to make your Powerwall work like it’s got unlimited storage.


The PowerwallET (Energy Transaction) app transforms Tesla’s Powerwall into an arbitrage superhero, using its smarts to channel your surplus solar into something that can directly buy green energy from the grid after the sun sets. It’s a subscription service that taps into the Powerwall’s API, taking any spare energy your solar panels generate and putting it to work by turbocharging your desktop computer to mine Bitcoin.

“It’s genius in how simple it is,” says Declan Michaels, the brains behind the project. “Your computer turns into a mini gold mine, using nothing but the power of the sun. We generate Bitcoins from the extra rays that would’ve just gone to waste. The Bitcoin essentially stores that energy ready to later buy clean energy from the grid as needed via a direct interface to the government’s carbon neutral GreenPower scheme.”

They’ve been careful to ensure this scheme doesn’t fry your computer, though. A lot of elbow grease has gone into perfecting a system that knows just how hard it can push your CPU without turning it into a toaster.

“Keeping your precious computer cool while it mines Bitcoin is a big part of our secret sauce,” explains Michaels. “We spent ages testing and tweaking to make sure we wouldn’t cook anyone’s gear. We didn’t want people’s home PCs swelling like an un-recalled LG Resu”.

The early trials of PowerwallET have been promising. And because it’s leveraging existing tech and sunshine, there’s no need to dig up rare metals or give any more money to a mendacious billionaire conspiracy theorist.

“As long as Bitcoin’s worth something and the sun keeps shining, we can scale this up as big as you like,” Michaels adds with a grin.

“Finally a real-world use case for Bitcoin beyond just speculation and digital tulips. Plus, the more Bitcoin gets tied to actual energy flows, the harder it becomes for governments to ban or regulate it out of existence.”

Early-stage venture capital is already flowing into PowerwallET looking to commercialize the technology.

“We’re in the process of raising a $100 million Series A from some of the biggest crypto VC funds,” reveals Michaels.

“With that kind of financial backing, I expect to see the first full-scale Virtual Bitcoin Plant (VBP) online by the end of next year, with thousands of networked PowerwallETs making a meaning contribution to grid stability.”

“I wouldn’t be surprised if Bitcoin eventually surpasses oil and gas as the world’s primary energy currency,” claims Jennings. “We’re still just getting started, but using Bitcoin as an infinite battery will be absolutely game-changing.”

“Imagine telling your grandkids that back in your day, surplus solar was either sold to the grid for a few cents or curtailed, not to mine digital gold. They’ll probably look at you like it’s April Fool’s Day.”

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