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BayWa r.e. donates another $10,000 in training tuition fees to Solar Energy International students


Solar Energy International (SEI) and BayWa r.e. announced the continuation of their partnership to provide scholarship funds, re-upping their commitment to award another $10,000 in solar training tuition fees to SEI students. The BayWa r.e. Scholarship Fund will once again contribute 100% of tuition fees to future solar professionals hand-selected through SEI’s program, with a focus on supporting a healthy solar workforce that expands renewable energy worldwide.

“Seeing the positive impact the scholarship has had on the first round of scholarship recipients, we are grateful to have the continued support of BayWa r.e. in providing life-changing scholarship funds to our students,” said Elizabeth Vaccaro, development manager of SEI. “Not only is our collaboration with BayWa r.e.strengthening SEI’s bond with the solar industry, but together we are advancing our shared vision of a thriving and equitable solar workforce.”

Selected candidates that are awarded the BayWa r.e. Scholarship will receive training via SEI’s PVOL101, PVOL203 and/or FV101/FV203 online courses, with the intention of helping each graduate land a solar job.

“We’re proud to continue our scholarship program with Solar Energy International to help make training for solar jobs more accessible and expand the solar workforce,” said Jodi White, co-CEO of BayWa r.e. Solar Systems. “We’ll need nearly a million solar workers by 2035 to meet our climate goals and we need industry leaders like SEI to train them.”

News item from Solar Energy International (SEI)

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