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N Solar completes 2.4-MW municipal solar array for Nebraska town


On August 17, the City of Cozad, Nebraska, and N Solar cut the ribbon on a 2.4-MWDC solar energy system that will provide power directly to the city’s electric utility. The city utility will purchase energy from the array at a fixed-price over a 30-year period providing energy savings and protection from price volatility present in a typical retail electricity contract.

The project was developed by N Solar, a three-company coalition consisting of Mesner Development, GenPro Energy Solutions and Sol Systems, that provides energy solutions to municipal utilities and power districts throughout Nebraska.

Sol Systems, a Washington-DC based solar energy developer, financed the system through its joint venture with investment firm Capital Dynamics, who will serve as the long-term owner and operator of the system.

“Cozad will greatly benefit from 30 years of low-cost, clean energy at a price protected against inflation,” said Anna Noucas, director of originations at Sol Systems. “The city was a fantastic partner and are part of the growing number of forward-thinking municipalities that and leaders who value solar as a key part of their present and future energy strategy.”

GenPro Energy Solutions, a renewable energy construction firm based in South Dakota, provided construction for the array, which began in November 2020 and reached commercial operation last month. GenPro will also provide maintenance on the system throughout its life.

“After several years of project development and finding the right solution for the City of Cozad, we’re excited to add Cozad to the growing number of municipal utilities who understand both the environmental and economic development benefits of distributed solar generation,” said Molly Brown, executive VP of energy development at GenPro Energy Solutions. “Having a solar farm sited within the community it serves can be a source of pride for the Cozad community for years to come.”

News item from N Solar

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