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SUNation completes Long Island’s largest commercial rooftop solar installation


SUNation Solar Systems installed 4,428 solar panels at Helios Solar, a division of Karp Associates, in Long Island, New York, making it the largest commercial rooftop installation on the island.

Credit: SUNation Solar Systems

SUNation completed the installation of the Helios Solar system in August after pandemic-related delays. The system will generate 2.2 million kWh of power every year, and 100% of it will go to the grid. The solar array is made up of LG 405 W and LG 400 W panels, TerraGen solar racking and Solectria inverters.

The community solar installation will offer clean and renewable energy to homeowners, businesses and renters at below-market prices and is generating enough electricity to power the homes of approximately 275 residential customers.

Karp manufactures access doors and bathroom partitions. To reduce the environmental impact of its products, Karp Associates has pursued green initiatives to incorporate the latest technologies and streamline its manufacturing processes. This solar installation is part of its continued commitment to address climate change and participate in the global shift to a low-carbon economy.

SUNation ranked 146 on Solar Power World’s 2021 Top Solar Contractors list. Since 2003, SUNation has installed over 7,000 solar and storage systems throughout Long Island and NYC totaling over 90 MW.

News item from SUNation Solar Systems

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