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Construction starts on 75-MW portfolio of New York community solar projects


Renewable energy developer Amp has broken ground on a 75-MWDC portfolio of community solar projects in New York state.

With its under-construction portfolio in Massachusetts, Amp is on track to install nearly 100 MW of community solar projects across the Northeastern by the end of the year.

The New York portfolio consists of 11 solar projects paired with 27 MWh of battery energy storage upstate and will provide electricity bill savings to participating subscribers and allow Amp to optimally dispatch energy from the batteries based on the solar generation and grid pricing signals.

The Massachusetts portfolio is three projects totaling 20 MWDC of solar paired with 24 MWh of battery energy storage and will provide bill credits to subscribers with the batteries participating in the ISO-NE wholesale services markets.

“This set of projects marks Amp’s largest assemblage of concurrent community solar projects in the U.S. to date, and represents more than $230 million in project investment,” said Jared Donald, executive VP and head of Amp’s U.S. operations. “As we approach the close-out of these projects, the team is preparing to start construction on a similarly-sized portfolio of New York and Massachusetts assets that will be completed next year, while we continue to look for new project opportunities in these states.”

The projects under this portfolio will help the state of New York to achieve its climate and sustainability goals, including the recently increased goal of ensuring at least 10 GW of installed solar capacity by 2030, while also improving the resilience and quality of the upstate grid.

As an extension of Amp’s investment into these communities, Amp has partnered with Eden Renewables on five of these sites to holistically focus on setting standards for biodiversity and ecological enhancement, continuing agricultural use and community educational benefits through the use of pollinator-friendly native plants and apiaries as well as bird and bat habitats.

News item from Amp

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