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Sungrow Signs On For EP100

Sungrow and The EP100

Sungrow and The EP100

Major Chinese solar inverter and battery storage manufacturer Sungrow has joined global corporate energy efficiency initiative EP100.

A Climate Group program, the EP100 involves companies pledging to improve their energy productivity by implementing various energy efficient technologies and practices. It’s about reducing energy consumption in relation to economic output, and that’s not just good for the planet but also for the bottom line of companies getting on board.

Sungrow has committed to completing energy management systems deployment by 2028 and increasing its energy productivity by more than 35% compared to 2018.

“As a signatory to these initiatives, we endeavor to do ‘more-with-less’ by improving our energy productivity,” said Sungrow Chairman Professor Cao Renxian. “This is a welcome value-add to an overarching net zero carbon commitment and a must-to-do step to win the race toward a cleaner era.”

Currently, there are 128 members of the EP100, including a couple of other big names from the solar industry – Jinko Solar and Longi.

Signing on to the EP100 follows Sungrow joining another Climate Group initiative in 2020, the RE100. This initiative brings together major businesses committed to 100% renewable electricity. Sungrow’s commitment under the program is a pledge to switch to 100% renewables for its electricity requirements by 2028.

Founded in 1997 by Professor Renxian, Sungrow boasts more than 224 GW installed inverter capacity worldwide as at the end of last year. Based on previous statements, it appears more than half of that capacity has been installed since the end of 2019.

As well as manufacturing facilities in China, the company has factories elsewhere; including 10GW of production capacity in India. And in addition to producing solar inverters for residential, commercial and utility scale applications, Sungrow also manufactures solar batteries.

Sungrow Solar Inverters In Australia

Sungrow has been present in the Australian market since 2012 and its inverter products are widely used locally in residential solar installations.

Here at SolarQuotes, we have 1,559 Australian customer ratings on our Sungrow inverter reviews page at the time of publishing, which have averaged 4.6 stars overall – a rating that has been pretty consistent over the years.

Australian solar buyers and installers have been attracted to Sungrow inverters due to their reliability, performance and features at a significantly lower pricing point than high-end inverter brands. In the SolarQuotes 2022 Installers’ Choice Awards, Sungrow was voted as offering the best solar inverters in 2022 in the budget category, gaining more than double the votes of any other brand.

Solar panels tend to hog the limelight when choosing a solar power system – but the inverter is the real workhorse, taking all the DC output from the solar panels and converting it to AC for use in the home and exporting to the grid.

Being the component most likely to fail first given the often harsh conditions in which it operates day-in, day-out for years, selection is very important. Pick up some tips for choosing a good solar inverter and discover which brands SolarQuotes founder Finn recommends in 2022 (spoiler: Sungrow is among them).

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