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ADT Solar now exclusively offering Enphase IQ8 microinverters


ADT Solar, formerly Sunpro Solar, announced it is now exclusively offering Enphase IQ8 Microinverters as part of its comprehensive home energy solution. This announcement follows ADT Solar and Enphase Energy’s recent expansion agreement to include Enphase IQ Batteries.

“A growing number of customers nationwide are looking for a comprehensive home energy solution that unlocks their ability to generate, store and control their own clean energy,” said Brian Lynch, senior VP of sales at ADT Solar. “We are proud to exclusively offer Enphase’s revolutionary IQ8 Microinverters so that homeowners can now power parts of their home during a daytime grid outage, with or without a battery. With IQ8, we can design and build a system that fits our customers’ specific needs and allows them to expand the system as their needs change.”

The IQ8 can form a microgrid during a daytime power outage, using only sunlight to provide backup power without requiring a battery. For homeowners who want a battery, there are no sizing restrictions on pairing Enphase IQ Batteries with the IQ8 solar system.

IQ8 Microinverters also include the Sunlight Jump Start feature, which can restart a home energy system using sunlight only after prolonged grid outages that result in a fully depleted battery. This eliminates the need for a manual restart of the system and gives homeowners even greater resilience.

News item from Enphase Energy

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