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Power from DC community solar project donated to local nonprofit


A community solar project built at a FedEx facility in Washington, D.C. will now cover the energy costs for an affordable housing nonprofit organization. Solar contractor Sol Systems completed the 915-kW community array at the FedEx Express Eckington Place facility in late 2021, which will allocate a portion of bill credits to local nonprofit So Others Might Eat (SOME).

“Giving back to an organization like SOME through this installation elevates the spirit of community solar,” said Gina Adams, corporate VP for government and regulatory affairs at FedEx, and a lifelong Washingtonian. “As a part of the Ward 5 community, we saw an opportunity for FedEx to create an innovative giveback program that benefits the environment and advances the well-being of our D.C. neighbors at the same time. We hope what we’ve done with SOME may inspire others to think of creative sustainability solutions in their communities.”

The donated bill credits, in conjunction with a supplemental cash donation from FedEx, are intended to offset the approximate annual electricity costs at two SOME facilities located in Ward 5: Isaiah House, a day program for those impacted by homelessness and mental illness, and Weinberg House, an affordable housing building for 28 families.

“Having served Ward 5 for more than 50 years, SOME is thrilled to be partnering with FedEx, our esteemed neighbor, for this cutting-edge partnership that will result in significant cost savings for SOME. This budget-alleviating initiative will enable SOME to redirect the savings in support of our direct services to those experiencing homelessness and poverty in our nation’s capital,” said Ralph Boyd, CEO and president of SOME. “We hope their inspired approach will herald a new wave of corporate-nonprofit engagement in the D.C. region.”

Additionally, Sol Systems plans to match FedEx’s first-year contribution and volunteer with SOME over the lifetime of the project.

“Sol has been a proud and committed member of the community since we were founded in 2008,” said Yuri Horwitz, CEO of Sol Systems. “We are excited to deliver solar energy and drive tangible economic benefits to our local community with FedEx and SOME. We hope this initiative motivates others to follow FedEx’s leadership here.”

News item from Sol Systems

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