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Peter Dutton & David Littleproud: Climate Change And Renewables

New Nationals and Liberal party leaders

New Nationals and Liberal party leaders

Scott Morrison and Barnaby Joyce are out as leaders of their respective parties and Peter Dutton and David Littleproud are in. So, what can we expect from the pair on climate change and renewable energy?

Peter Dutton – A Misunderstood Fellow?

Liberal Party leader Peter Dutton

Liberal Party leader Peter Dutton

Ex-copper Peter Dutton has spent two decades in parliament and has taken a few shots at leadership of the Liberals, finally succeeding yesterday.

On winning the top Liberal job yesterday, he said:

“Under my leadership, the Liberal Party will be true to our values that have seen us win successive elections over the course of the last quarter of a century.”

He was also quick to attack the Albanese government, stating that electricity prices under Labor will go up. That’s correct, electricity prices will increase – but this was already well and truly baked in under the Morrison Government. Voters in South Australia, South-East Queensland and New South Wales would have more widely known about it if the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) had released this information prior to the election; as it was originally supposed to.

Mr. Dutton doesn’t have a great track record on renewables. TheyVoteForYou indicates he has voted consistently against increasing investment in renewable energy. But last October while Defence Minister he indicated backing a climate target of net zero emissions by 2050, and stated:

“We want to see electric vehicles, we want to see renewables.”

What isn’t clear is how much of either he’d like to see.

On climate change, he’s probably most famous for his rather off joke about rising waters in the Pacific back in 2015 when some delegates were running late for a meeting:

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But according to colleague Simon Birmingham:

“Peter’s public perception is not always an accurate reflection of Peter’s true stance.”

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David Littleproud – He’s Not Barnaby

Nationals leader David Littleproud

Nationals leader David Littleproud

Will sanity return to the Nationals with the exit of Barnaby “Said Stuff” Joyce from its leadership and David Littleproud assuming the throne?

Mr. Littleproud, who said he “effectively became a member of The Nationals 40 years ago as a 6 year old boy handing out for my father in Chinchilla in a state election,” seems to be a more stable sensible reasonable sort of fellow when it comes to climate change and renewables.

Back in 2018, he acknowledged the impacts of climate change (but still wasn’t convinced on root causes) and expressed his excitement about renewable energy and storage; saying a move to renewables was a good thing. But some of his voting indicates otherwise.

On Monday, he said the Nationals were committed to net zero greenhouse emissions by 2050 for Australia. Commenting on suggestions from within the party that commitment was now (again) up for negotiation, Mr. Littleproud said:

“We’re living up to an international agreement. Our policy was eminently sensible and one which we’ll continue to work through.”

So, interesting times ahead for the Nationals – but I, for one, will miss some of Barnaby’s antics as some things are just so bad they are good. But it’s not like he’s dropped off the face of the planet and there’s always Matt Canavan who is good for a giggle (or groan).

Original Source: https://www.solarquotes.com.au/blog/dutton-littleproud-climate-renewables-mb2495/