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National EV Strategy Consultation Paper Released

National EV Strategy - Australia

As promised, the Albanese Government has kicked off broad consultation on Australia’s first National Electric Vehicle Strategy. And unlike the low-emissions vehicles pseudo-strategy released by the other mob last year, this could turn out to be the real deal for accelerating EV uptake.

Last year, EVs represented just under 2% of new light vehicle sales in Australia, compared with 9% globally. Australia’s poor uptake isn’t due to a lack of interest. Many Australians want an electric car, but issues relating to affordability, availability and infrastructure need to be addressed.

“Right now, Australians miss out on a wider choice of affordable EVs because of our policy settings are outdated,” state Minister for Climate Change and Energy Chris Bowen and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government Catherine King. “It’s time for Australians to get a fair go when they’re deciding on their next car.”

The consultation paper requests feedback on a range of issues, including:

The introduction of fuel efficiency standards is a particularly important aspect, as that will help address the other focus issues. It’s a lack of these standards that maintains Australia’s reputation as an EV backwater, as it encourages manufacturers to send their EVs elsewhere where such standards exist.

Ministers Bowen and King state in the paper’s foreword:

“Today, Australians are being sold some of the highest emitting cars in the world. On average, new passenger vehicles in Australia have around 20% higher emissions than the United States, and around 40% higher emissions than in Europe. We need to catch up to the rest of the world when it comes to transport emissions.”

There’s a lot of misinformation and disinformation still floating around about these standards. Find out how fuel efficiency standards (done right) work.

“A Breath Of Fresh Air”

The Electric Vehicle Council seemed pretty pleased with the consultation paper’s contents.

“It is a breath of fresh air to see a federal government take this issue so seriously, acting on a national policy within the first months of its administration,” said CEO Behyad Jafari. “The discussion paper is correct to focus on demand and supply as the necessary first steps towards building a dynamic domestic EV sector.”

“A Step In The Right Direction”

Solar Citizens was also very positive about the consultation.

“After almost a decade of stalling, pit stops and roadblocks on Australia’s electric vehicle (EV) policy, it’s refreshing to see a genuine consultation process open – this is indeed a step in the right direction,” said Ajaya Haikerwal, Clean Transport Campaigner at Solar Citizens.

The Department of Industry, Science and Resources will be hosting online sessions to discuss the National Electric Vehicle Strategy (NEVS) consultation paper, and the feedback period ends on October 31, 2022. Further details, including how to lodge a submission, can be found here.

“All Australians are encouraged to have their say on how we can transform Australia’s transport sector through the development of the National Electric Vehicle Strategy,” state Ministers Bowen and King.

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