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Orbital Solar Services Forms Joint Venture with Jingoli Power

Orbital Solar Services (OSS), a company focused on utility-scale solar power generation facilities, has entered into a joint venture agreement (JVA) with Jingoli Power LLC.

Jingoli is a professional services provider for complex electric utility construction projects and a subsidiary of Joseph Jingoli and Son Inc., a 99-year-old privately held New Jersey-based firm.

“The complimentary services offerings Orbital and Jingoli provide to our utility scale solar market creates the perfect partnership. This JVA will bring an innovative approach to the engineering, procurement and construction of renewable projects, resulting in value creation to our customers,” says Jim O’Neil, Orbital Energy Group’s vice-chairman and CEO. “We are honored to work with the Jingoli team in pursuing other markets to expand our partnership as OEG continues to increase presence in the markets we serve for the balance of this year and beyond.”

The JVA between Jingoli and OSS will have nearly $2 billion in bonding capacity, expanded capabilities and resources to take on larger and more scalable project opportunities.

“This joint venture agreement is a natural fit combining Orbital’s leadership in the solar industry and Jingoli’s vast experience in electric utility interconnections,” states Jingoli CEO Karl Miller. “As extreme weather events continue to stress the nation’s aging energy infrastructure, our team is optimally positioned to deliver on the growing demand for competitive and reliable solar development. “

“This JVA is an unprecedented opportunity for OSS to achieve sustainable growth and expand its capabilities,” comments Mike Janda, OSS’s president. “The joint venture gives us more resources, greater capacity, increased technical expertise, and access to established markets and distribution channels.”

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